“ We care for your financial health ”
02 9460 9277
Level 10, South Tower
1-5 Railway St
PO Box 5344
1-5 Railway St
PO Box 5344
Why Us
Medical Accounting Services (NSW) Pty Ltd was established in 2000. MAS provides accounting, taxation and business expertise to medical professionals throughout NSW, Queensland and Tasmania – and even to a number of doctors in West Australia.
MAS is regularly invited to address medical seminars on business structures for doctors, tax planning issues, asset protection and suchlike.
By putting this experience and knowledge to work, you are ensuring the highest level of accounting and business assistance. We are not just another accounting firm, who happens to deal with doctors, but we have a very specific focus.
Our aim is to provide a high quality, personalised service to our clients. Consequently, unlike at many other firms, you are not being pushed around from one client manager to the other. When we say that we are a ’boutique firm’ we refer to the fact that you can always deal with the principal, we respond to your emails and phone calls and take pride in understanding your personal circumstances.

Our Specialisation
We are specialists in tax and business services to the medical profession. That is all we do, and consequently that is what we know a lot about. We know the stages of your career, the challenges, opportunities and typical issues that arise in most specialisations.
Not just the tax issues, but the business problems and opportunities at pretty much every level and every stage: our clients include first year RMOs, GPs, specialists, small and large medical centres, complex groups of specialists and everything in between.
We know there is a lot more to ‘financial life as a doctor’ than just having the the right company or trust. Our deep understanding of your possible career path, whether you just start out or are a partner in a mature specialist group, allows us to give you practical and common sense advice that actually works…for YOU.
Our Experience
Being a specialist without the relevant experience is somewhat of a misnomer. We have been advising the medical profession since 2000 and have built a wealth of practical experience that benefits our clients. Yes, we know our tax stuff – like everyone else…but far more important we have experience in guiding clients through medical practice set ups, practice break-ups, mediation in conflicts between business partners, divorces, deceased estates, doctors going overseas, doctors coming back, problems with locums, remote area issues and so on. We even have dealt with hospital administrations on behalf of clients, which has given us a thorough understanding of the frustrations you may feel….
The upshot is that our wealth of experience helps us to give you the right support when you need it – because we understand the circumstances you are dealing with.
Our Beliefs
Mission-Vision-Values statements are almost as cliche’d as fried camembert with raspberry sauce at your local RSL. Yet, unless your accountant has a set of beliefs that is in sync with your expectations sooner or later (probably sooner..) disappointment will set in.
We are keen observers of business trends – we have to be in order to assist our clients – and there is one fast growing trend in professional and many other services that we disagree with, and that disagreement sets us apart from many, if not most, others:
The trend to see clients as commodities, to be used to enhance profitability.
We firmly believe that it should be the other way round: clients are the reason we exist at all and by providing excellent service profitability will follow: you come first.